Where I go

I currently serve the immediate Portland area. This includes Portland, South Portland, Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth*, Westbrook, Windham, and Gorham. Homes in other area towns may be considered by request, depending on scheduling and availability.

*Due to an ordinance passed by the Town of Cape Elizabeth effective June 12, 2024, any synthetic pesticide application can only be performed via the granting of a conditional waiver by the Town once strict requirements have been met, including verification of “alternative methods and materials” used prior to synthetic treatment. This effectively means that unless this waiver is requested and granted, I am unable to treat any property in Cape Elizabeth. I am, however, able to install tick boxes without a waiver. Tick boxes, while not as rapidly effective as spraying, have proven to be a terrific alternative for those who either don’t want or can’t have spray treatments (click “TICK BOXES” below for more info.)

The full text of this ordinance is available here:

Information about tick boxes: